OWU Web Content Strategy: Academics
A PDF document covering web content strategy (including voice/tone suggestions, callout blocks usage, and academic department/program/major landing pages)
The Office of University Communications created this guide to promote consistency in content development for owu.edu, OWU publications, and University social media channels. If questions arise that are not addressed in this document, the University Communications staff is glad to help.
Basic Page Content provides visual examples of the Content Page and the use of the introduction text and flexibility within the WYSIWYG editor.
In-Content Components detail the elements built into the Content Page.
Full-Width Components display the vast menu of Callout Blocks that can be added to the Content Page.
Information Services Self-Help Site: What is BigTree? provides some simple tips and tricks for creating and managing content.
Information Services: Professional Development lists the full schedule of Professional Development opportunities that Information Services provides, including training specific to the BigTree CMS.
A PDF document covering web content strategy (including voice/tone suggestions, callout blocks usage, and academic department/program/major landing pages)