Ohio Wesleyan University reserves the right to remove content for any reason, including but not limited to, content that is threatening, intimidating, harassing, derogatory, malicious, hateful, obscene, profane, depicts graphic violence, off-topic, soliciting, spamming, or illegal.

At any time, we may block offenders from accessing our page without notice.

Users are fully responsible for any content they share on any OWU social media site. By submitting content on those social media sites, users agree to allow the University to use the information for internal and external promotional purposes. Users who do not wish to have information they have made available via these sites to be used, published, copied and/or reprinted, should not post. 

Please ensure that all content you post in this community complies with the University’s Terms of Use and other applicable policies from the social media platform including, but not limited to, Facebook’s Community Standards and Statement of Rights and Responsibilities; X’s Rules and Policies; and Instagram’s Community Guidelines.

Comments left on posts on OWU social media sites ("User Content") do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the University.

Thank you for your cooperation and support.

Contact Info


University Hall 025-027
61 S. Sandusky St.
Delaware, OH 43015