Email Signature Generator

Instructions for Gmail

  1. Using the fields above, type/select the information you wish to include in your email signature.
  2. Once your information is correct, click the "Select Your Email Signature" button to highlight your signature and its formatting.
  3. Copy your signature using Ctrl + C for PC or Command + C for Mac.
  4. Log into BishopMail and click on the Settings (gear) icon in the upper-right, the the Quick Settings panel will open.
  5. Click the 'See all settings' button at the top of that panel.
  6. You'll now be on the General tab in Gmail's Settings. Scroll down until you find the Signature section. If you haven't yet created a signature, click the '+ Create new' button under 'No signatures'. If you have already, you may create a new one or replace an existing one.
  7. Paste your new signature in the text box using Ctrl + V for PC or Command + V for Mac.
  8. If you need to add any text or anything that the above email signature generator didn't include, do so within that box.
  9. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click the 'Save Changes' button.

Note: You must use the Web version of Gmail to set this up. There are limitations to what can be done, signature-wise, within the Gmail mobile app, which prevent the above from working properly.

Instructions for Outlook

  1. Using the fields above, type/select the information you wish to include in your email signature.
  2. Once your information is correct, click the "Select Your Email Signature" button to highlight your signature and its formatting.
  3. Copy your signature using Ctrl + C for PC (or Command + C for Mac).
  4. In Outlook, go to File -> Options -> Mail, and click on "Signatures".
  5. Click "New" to have Outlook create a new signature and give it a name. Click inside the text box where Outlook wants you to input your signature.
  6. Paste your new signature in the text box using Ctrl + V for PC (or Command + V for Mac).
  7. If you need to add any text or anything that the above email signature generator didn't cover, do so within what you pasted in step #6 above.
  8. On the same settings screen (File -> Options -> Mail -> Signatures), there should be a way to choose which signature is used for both New Messages and Replies/Forwards. Set both of those to use your newly-created signature.
  9. Click the Okay button to save your changes, and you should be all set.

Note: The above instructions are for Outlook 2010 and later only. If you're using an earlier version of Outlook, these instructions will not work properly.

Please contact with any questions/issues.

Contact Info


University Hall 025-027
61 S. Sandusky St.
Delaware, OH 43015