Email Signature Generator
Instructions for Gmail
- Using the fields above, type/select the information you wish to include in your email signature.
- Once your information is correct, click the "Select Your Email Signature" button to highlight your signature and its formatting.
- Copy your signature using Ctrl + C for PC or Command + C for Mac.
- Log into BishopMail and click on the Settings (gear) icon in the upper-right, the the Quick Settings panel will open.
- Click the 'See all settings' button at the top of that panel.
- You'll now be on the General tab in Gmail's Settings. Scroll down until you find the Signature section. If you haven't yet created a signature, click the '+ Create new' button under 'No signatures'. If you have already, you may create a new one or replace an existing one.
- Paste your new signature in the text box using Ctrl + V for PC or Command + V for Mac.
- If you need to add any text or anything that the above email signature generator didn't include, do so within that box.
- Scroll to the bottom of the page and click the 'Save Changes' button.
Note: You must use the Web version of Gmail to set this up. There are limitations to what can be done, signature-wise, within the Gmail mobile app, which prevent the above from working properly.
Instructions for Outlook
- Using the fields above, type/select the information you wish to include in your email signature.
- Once your information is correct, click the "Select Your Email Signature" button to highlight your signature and its formatting.
- Copy your signature using Ctrl + C for PC (or Command + C for Mac).
- In Outlook, go to File -> Options -> Mail, and click on "Signatures".
- Click "New" to have Outlook create a new signature and give it a name. Click inside the text box where Outlook wants you to input your signature.
- Paste your new signature in the text box using Ctrl + V for PC (or Command + V for Mac).
- If you need to add any text or anything that the above email signature generator didn't cover, do so within what you pasted in step #6 above.
- On the same settings screen (File -> Options -> Mail -> Signatures), there should be a way to choose which signature is used for both New Messages and Replies/Forwards. Set both of those to use your newly-created signature.
- Click the Okay button to save your changes, and you should be all set.
Note: The above instructions are for Outlook 2010 and later only. If you're using an earlier version of Outlook, these instructions will not work properly.
Please contact with any questions/issues.