University Style Guide

This guide is intended for anyone writing messages on behalf of OWU to internal or external audiences.

For questions about the Writing Style Guide or other University messaging questions, contact Cole Hatcher (director of media and community relations) at

Digital Tools and Resources

These brand resources are available for your use — but first, please take a moment to familiarize yourself with our guidelines. If you have questions about their use, or suggestions for additional resources, contact us at

Is there something you'd love to have available on this quick-downloadable resource list? Let Lindsay Mauter (associate director of communications) know at


Ohio Wesleyan University is in partnership with CLC, the licensing division of Learfield IMG College, to ensure the official brand marks are used correctly.

If you are working with a vendor to produce OWU-branded merchandise, contact Lindsay Mauter (associate director of communications) at to find a licensed vendor.

Contact Info


University Hall 025-027
61 S. Sandusky St.
Delaware, OH 43015