5 Dimensions of Wellness
Ohio Wesleyan is committed to providing education, programming, and resources to empower students to engage in holistically-well and balanced lifestyles. Through our wellness initiatives, Student Engagement and Success and The Bishop Way invites students to explore different topics of wellness, the interconnectedness of the five dimensions, and the resources on and off campus.
We encourage students to reach out to resources to get support, or contact The Bishop Way for more information.
Emotional Wellness
Emotionally well students are able to recognize, understand, accept, and regulate their emotions in order to effectively cope with life stressors. Emotional wellness enables students to adaptively grow and change in congruence with their plans and goals.
- Resources
- OWU Counseling Services
- Uwill (Telehealth and Mental Health Counseling Services)
- OWU Accessibility Services Office
- National Institute of Health: Emotional Wellness Toolkit
- Crisis/ Urgent Support Resources
- HelpLine of Delaware County: Dial 740-369-3316 or 1-800-684-2324
- Text "helpline" to 898211 for help via text
- 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline: Dial 988
- HelpLine of Delaware County: Dial 740-369-3316 or 1-800-684-2324
- The Happiness Lab Podcast, Dr. Laurie Santos, Professor of Psychology and Head of Silliman College at Yale University and expert on the science of happiness.
- Radio Headspace Podcast, mindfulness and reflection moments
Physical Wellness
Physically well students recognize the need for physical activity, nutrition, and sleep. Physically well students work to prevent illness and injury and manage chronic health conditions.
- Resources
- OWU Student Health Center
- Uwill (Telehealth and Mental Health Counseling Services)
- OWU Accessibility Services Office
- Sleep Resources
- Nutrition Resources
- The Nutrition Source: From the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health
- Center For Disease Control (CDC) Nutrition Resources
- Mayo Clinic: Nutrition and Healthy Eating
- Alcohol and Other Drug Resources
- MaryHaven: Specialists in addiction and mental health treatment
- American College Health Association (ACHA)
- Higher Education Center for Alcohol and Drug Misuse Prevention and Recovery (HECAOD)
- National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA)
- College Drinking Prevention (NIAAA)
- Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)
- Generation Rx
- Ohio Mental Health and Addiction Services (OMHAS)
- Harm Reduction Ohio Naloxone
- Ohio Department of Health Project DAWN
- StartYourRecovery.org encourages people to find the support they need, or to help their loved ones encourage and support help-seeking. Visit StartYourRecovery.org to learn about substance use and addiction and to determine your next step, whether it's having a conversation, learning more, or seeking professional help.
- Sexual Health Resources
- OWU Women's Resource Center (Office of Multicultural Student Affairs)
- OWU Spectrum 2SLGBTQIA+ Resource (Office of Multicultural Student Affairs)
- Center for Disease Control (CDC) offers information about sexually transmitted infections/diseases, including transmission routes, symptoms, testing and treatment. The CDC also offers information about different types of contraceptives for preventing pregnancy.
- Planned Parenthood (Virtual & In Person Services)
- Trevor Project Resources for Sexual Health Support
- Office on Women's Health (OWH) offers an extensive amount of information on reproductive health(opens in a new window), in addition to other health and wellness topics.
- Physical Activity Resources
- OWU Fitness Facilities
- OWU Club & Intramural Sports
- Fitness Basics - The Mayo Clinic
- Fitness - American Heart Association
- Physical Activity Guidelines: (American College of Sports Medicine)
- Exercise & Fitness (Harvard Medical School)
- How Much Physical Activity Do You Need? (American Heart Association (AHA))
Spiritual Wellness
Spiritually well students explore and expand their sense of purpose and meaning in life, including their own morals and ethics. Spiritually well students may or may not participate in structured religious activities.
- Resources
Financial Wellness
Financially well students have an awareness of their financial status and budget. They manage their finances in order to plan, budget, and save to achieve goals as students and to prepare for a financially stable life beyond college.
- Resources
Social Wellness
Socially well students have networks of support based on trust, empathy, and mutual respect for one another. Socially well students have the ability to make meaningful connections with those around them and to develop purposeful and sustaining relationships.
- Resources
- OWU Student Engagement & Success
- Explore Student Organizations and Fraternity & Sorrority Life through the Student Involvement Office using Engage
- Residential Life, Office of Multicultural Student Affairs (OMSA), Community Service Learning, and the Chaplain's Office all offer a variety of programs and opportunities to get involved and build connection.
- OWU Club & Intramural Sports
- OWU Events Calendar
- Social Wellness Toolkit – National Institute of Health
- OWU Student Engagement & Success