2025 Camp dates: TBD

OWjL Camp 2024 Dates: 

Residential Camp for students in grades 6, 7, & 8:

Week 1 - June 9 to 14, 2024
Week 2 - June 16 to 21, 2024
Week 3 - June 23 to 28, 2024

NEW Day Camp for students in grades 4, 5, & 6:

Week 4 - July 22 to 26, 2024

If you have any questions, please email us at owjl@owu.edu.


Greetings from OWjL, where plans are underway for our 43rd summer camp in 2024! If you have not had previous experience with OWjL, we hope you will read the information on this website and consider our program in planning your summer schedule. If you have been an OWjL camper or parent in the past, we welcome you back! OWjL is designed to meet the intellectual, social, and emotional needs of gifted and talented middle school students in Ohio. It offers a place for students to learn new ideas, be challenged, and interact with others who have similar abilities.

The academic program of OWjL features:

  • Curriculum with classes in humanities, creative arts, mathematics, science, logic, and computers
  • Cultural, recreational, and social activities
  • 24-hour supervision by adult counselors
  • Residential Camp for qualified current (at time of application) 6th, 7th, and 8th grades
  • Day Camp for qualified current (at time of application) 4th, 5th, and 6th grade students
  • Selection is based on academic guidelines and/or creativity, talent, leadership

Tuition for our 2024 camp is $745 for residential camp and $395 for day camp. These fees cover the entire cost of the program. Financial assistance is available on the Fees & Scholarships page.

The link to begin the application process is below. A complete application includes: Parent/Guardian Form, Student Information Form, Student Application and Essay, two Teacher Recommendations, and a Student Academic Record (completed by a school gifted coordinator, guidance counselor, or principal). The application deadline is January 31 extended to March 15, 2024. We urge you to be prompt in completing the applications as the number of students who apply to OWjL Camp exceeds available space. 

Here are the steps for camper applications:

  1. Parent/Guardian requests an application online.
  2. An email is sent to parent/guardian with links to both the Parent/Guardian Form and the Student Information Form.
  3. Once the parent/guardian completes both of these forms, an email is sent to the student with a link to the Student Application and Essay form.
  4. Once the student completes their form, emails are sent to the two teachers and school personnel. (These are provided on the student application form.)
  5. All applications are reviewed by two readers.
  6. All notifications of acceptance or waitlist are sent by the end of March.

Start a New OWjL Application

  • Starting December 1st, parents/guardians may request the OWjL Application here, you will then be provided a link to complete your forms. The initial request must be done by a parent/guardian. 

Important Things to Know

  • The applicant's parent begins the application process. It is the responsibility of the applicant and his or her parent to ensure that all forms are received by the deadline.
  • Incomplete applications will not be processed.
  • No faxed, emailed, or mailed applications can be accepted.
  • Do not send money with the application.
  • Be considerate of school personnel and request references well in advance of deadlines.
  • Complete your application on time. The number of students who apply exceeds the available spaces and late applications will be added to the wait list.

Essay Prompt Information for 2024

The goal of the student essay is to help the OWjL staff get to know your writing abilities and to allow your creativity to be shown. 

Choose only one question listed below and respond in 750 words or less. Originality, uniqueness of thought, organization, and correct spelling, punctuation, and grammar will help us in scoring all applications. The rubric used by the OWjL Application Committee is here.

Essay Prompt Question Options:
1. Some students have a background, identity, interest, or talent that is so meaningful they believe their application would be incomplete without it. If this sounds like you, then please share your story.
2. Discuss an accomplishment, event, or realization that sparked a period of personal growth and a new understanding of yourself or others.


  • Application - Camper applications must be submitted online by January 31st March 15th.
  • Financial Aid - If you are applying for financial aid, you must submit a completed financial aid application with a copy of the required supporting documentation before March 1st. You will be applying for financial aid BEFORE you know if your child has been accepted.

OWjL Camp


Hayes Hall 1-J
61 S Sandusky St
Delaware OH 43015
P 740-368-3939
E owl@owu.edu

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