Whether you identify as a 2 Spirit, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans, ACE, or Queer student, or you are still exploring your identity, your sexuality, and gender are important aspects of who you are and you will want to consider how those identities impact your experiences abroad. Each location varies in its social norms, customs, laws, and personal interactions when it comes to sexuality and gender and is often different than what you might experience in the United States. Researching your destination and knowing what to expect is critical to ensuring your well-being and safety while you are away.

We hope that you will find the following resources beneficial as you prepare for your time abroad.

Before you travel...

Grab a journal and reflect on the following questions (borrowed from AIFS Abroad):

  • What is the social attitude towards the LGBTQIA+ community in your host country? 
  • What are laws and cultural norms surrounding relationships and dating in your host country? 
  • How do you currently express you identity and how do you think you will express it abroad?
  • Certain locations and environments may make you feel safer if you conceal a part of your identity. How will this impact your overall experience? 
  • What are the laws and protections regarding sexual orientation and gender identity in your host country? 
  • How are current events shaping the way your gender identity and sexual orientation are interpreted by the host community? 
  • Are there any advocacy organizations, LGBTQIA+-friendly establishments, business or events on your host campus or in your host community? 
  • What type of living/housing accommodations will make you feel most comfortable and safe? If you will live with a host family, do you want to specifically request a family that is known to be supportive of LGBTQIA+ students? 
  • Do you regularly utilize any health or counseling services at home, and will these be available and covered by insurance abroad? 
  • If your gender presentation is different from your legal sex, or if you are in the process of transitioning, what types of support will you need with travel, immigration, and documents? 
  • If you find something to be offensive, harmful, hurtful or insensitive, what would your reaction be in your home culture and how would it be in your host culture? Is there anything about your reactions that needs to change or tools you need to explore to navigate the culture you are in? 

Here are some international 2SLGBTIA+ resources: