Lessons From Abroad (LFA) – Ohio

Congratulations on your recent voyage abroad! We know you are excited and brimming with stories of your experiences abroad and insights into your host country's culture. Might you be looking for a captive audience with whom to share those experiences, or are you seeking new ways to study, travel, or work abroad again? If so, then we invite you to attend the Lessons From Abroad Ohio Conference!
Saturday, November 2nd
Ohio Wesleyan University, Merrick Hall
Conference highlights include:
- NEW THIS YEAR! Even if you are still in the process of preparing to go abroad, this conference is for you! Join us to learn more about what to expect and how you can make the most of your experience!
- Meeting other recent study abroad returnees from all over Ohio.
- Hearing from dynamic and motivating keynote speakers.
- Learning how to talk about your newly acquired global skills in a job interview.
- Discovering how you can work or study abroad after graduation.
- Networking with professionals working in internationally-focused jobs
Staying connected to and sharing stories about your study abroad experience
This is a great opportunity to network with other students and professionals. We ask that you dress business casual and bring several copies of your resume.