To provide guidance to the campus community, several comprehensive documents are linked to this page. Please review the documents periodically for changes in information and campus-wide policies.

Employee Handbook and Guide

The Employee Handbook and Guide  is a valuable college resource as well as an operational guide for new and current staff.

Faculty Handbook

The Faculty Handbook is a valuable college resource as well as an operational guide for new and current faculty.

Employee / Internal Policies

Ohio Wesleyan maintains the highest standards in its personnel interactions. Faculty, staff, and student employees are protected by, and expected to conform to, the following policies:

Web Usage Policies

The use of OWU facilities, including computer facilities, is limited to the educational and other nonprofit purposes of its students, faculty, and eligible staff. The policies governing this usage are covered here:

Contact Info


Office of Human Resources
University Hall #003
61 S. Sandusky St.
Delaware, Ohio 43015
P 740-368-3388