Meet With Your Career Catalyst
Leigh Mascolino, M.S./Ed.S.
Director of Career Connection
lemascolin@owu.edu | 740-368-3150
Are you looking to make a difference in people's health and wellness to improve their lives? This community focuses on health professions that improve people's lives via the treatment & prevention of diseases, aid with physical and mental impairment, and research. Career opportunities include Medicine, Nursing, Veterinary Medicine, Pharmacy, Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Speech Language Pathology, Public Health, and Health Administration.
Leigh Mascolino, M.S./Ed.S.
Director of Career Connection
lemascolin@owu.edu | 740-368-3150
Please see our extensive list of Alumni Partners who are eager to help students and fellow Alumni with their career and professional goals. The individuals on this page are happy to be contacted for 1:1 conversations, presentation invitations, and other engagements. Please click on their profiles to learn more and to see their contact details. We encourage students, faculty, Alumni, and staff to engage with these Alumni and form valuable OWU Connections.
Check out links to on-campus organizations, professional associations, and other helpful links!
Instagram @owucareers