Sport Coverage by ATC

Currently there are 24 varsity sports at OWU with three ATC's on staff. For this reason, not all sports can be covered at all times. In-season sports have priority over out of season sports. Home events have priority over away competitions. High-risk activities have priority over low-risk activities.

Daily Athletic Training Room Operations

In order to ensure proper medical care and treatment, the following guidelines must be followed.

  1. No Student Athlete is allowed in the Athletic Training Room (ATR) without proper supervision. No athlete can receive treatment or do rehabilitation exercises without a Certified Athletic Trainer (ATC) in the ATR.
  2. Ohio Wesleyan University (OWU) Athletic Training Facilities are co-ed. Therefore, all athletes must report to the ATR for taping, treatment, and rehabilitation in appropriate attire.
  3. Unnecessary equipment should not be brought into the ATR. Cleats are not allowed to be worn in the ATR, they must be removed before entering.
  4. Student Athletes must sign in every time they enter into the ATR for treatment/rehab.
  5. No supplies are to be taken from the ATR without permission from a staff ATC.
  6. All student athletes are expected to adhere to the rules and regulations of the OWU ATR. Failure to comply with these regulations will result in disciplinary actions.

Athletic Training Room Hours of Operation

The ATR at Selby Stadium will be open for evaluations, treatments, and rehabilitation from 10 a.m. - 3 p.m., Monday-Friday during normal school sessions. Finals week, breaks and summer as well as other times will be scheduled on an as needed basis by your team's ATC.

Pre-practice preparations typically begin at 3 p.m. Please do not come to the ATR at 3 p.m. and expect to have an injury evaluated. If your class schedule does not allow for you to come in between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m., please contact your team's ATC to arrange another time. The ATC as well as the student-athlete have a responsibility to notify the coaching staff in a timely manner regarding limited or no participation in practice or competition due to injury or illness. It is reasonable to know within an hour whether or not the individual will be able to participate in activities that particular day.

If an athlete comes into the ATR after 3 p.m. for an evaluation, the ATC has the right to send the athlete to practice without an evaluation. Should this situation occur the student-athlete will assume all responsibility and liability for (non)participation in practice or competition.

Team Physician Coverage

A team physician will be in Selby ATR for care of orthopedic issues on these dates and times – subject to change. If you are planning on seeing a physician you must first contact an ATC to determine what and when the most appropriate time to see a physician is. In many cases due to limited resources at Selby Athletic Training Room it might be better to be see a physician at the student health center or vice versa.

Mondays 1-3 p.m.
Wednesdays 2-3 p.m.
Thursdays 1-3 p.m.

A team physician will cover all varsity football games, home and away. A physician will be on site for home lacrosse games. Conference Championships and special events will be covered on a case by case basis.

Outside Doctors, Physicians, and Medical Personnel

If at anytime, an athlete sees a doctor, physician or other medical professional other than an OWU team physician, please notify your team's ATC. In order to receive the highest quality of care, the lines of communication between the outside medical professional, ATC, and OWU team physician need to remain open. Once the outside medical professional has evaluated the athlete, we need in writing a clearance of participation or restriction note. If a rehabilitation program is recommended this should be in writing as well, so the ATC can follow the recommended guidelines. If there is a discrepancy between the outside medical professional and a team physician's recommendations, the most conservative course of treatment will be followed until an agreement can be reached that satisfies both parties.

Pre-Participation Physical Exam

  1. All student athletes must have a current physical (within one year) to participate.
  2. No student athlete may participate in any team conditioning, lifting, or practice activity until they have had a pre-participation physical exam and been cleared to do so by an OWU team physician or his/her designee.
  3. New student athletes are given a medical history questionnaire which should be filled out prior to the physical exam.
  4. Returning student athletes will have to update their medical history each year.
  5. If a student athlete is a minor, consent to treat form must be on file prior to participation in any team activity.
  6. Currently a proposal has been submitted to create a physical waiver that would be utilized in specific cases of "walk-on try-outs". Please contact the head athletic trainer to receive the most up to date information regarding this.

Release of Medical Information

Any information pertaining to an athlete's medical care is confidential. By completing the physical process the student-athlete agrees to allow the Athletic Training staff to communicate with coaches regarding playing status due to injury or illness. Any information disclosed will be minimal and will be limited to necessary information about status regarding participation. A signed release form must be on file for any information to be forwarded on to any individuals other than the sports medicine team personnel, health center staff or coaching staff. This includes parents, unless the student-athlete is a minor.


The MRSA/Staph policy was developed to better inform the coaches, staff, and student-athletes about the concerns of MRSA/Staph infections and how they would be treated at Ohio Wesleyan University. As is detailed throughout the policy there are different steps that need to be taken by student-athletes, coaches, administrators, and the medical team to ensure that these skin infections are being initially seen, diagnosed, and treated in a timely manner.

Click here to read the full MRSA/Staph Policy.


This policy was developed after Ohio Wesleyan University, with the help of OhioHealth, was able to begin neuro-cognitive (ImPact) baseline and post concussion testing on our student-athletes. Concussions, Post-Concussion Syndrome, and Second Impact syndrome have recently been well documented in the media. By using the ImPact testing program, Ohio Wesleyan University is able to provide our student-athletes the outlined standard of care, under the direction of our Team Physicians.

Click here to read the full Concussion Safety Protocol.

Sickle Cell Trait

This policy was implemented in order for Ohio Wesleyan University to be in compliance with the NCAA. There is currently legislation that will require all NCAA Division III institutions to either confirm Sickle Cell Trait status in all incoming student-athletes (freshmen and transfers) for the 2013-14 academic year or have student-athletes sign a written release declining the SCT test during their pre-participation physical examination (PPE). If you are an incoming student-athlete or parent, please take the necessary time to read over the policy in its entirety in order to make an educated decision on how you wish to proceed with this matter.

Click here to read the full Sickle Cell Trait Policy.


As a member of the North Coast Athletic Conference, Ohio Wesleyan University follows the conference guidelines as it pertains to Severe Weather (both lightning and thunder). This policy outlines the roles and responsibilities of OWU athletic department staff members as it pertains to when to suspend and resume department of athletics activities during times of severe and/or cold weather.

Click here to read the full Weather Policy.