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Incident/Person of Concern Reporting Form

Review the OWU Cares webpage for more information about support at OWU. 

Thank you taking the time to submit an incident or concern. Submissions may be completed anonymously, but please note that the University response may be limited without a reporter's contact information.

This report will initially be received by members of the Student Care Team. The report will then be assigned to a staff member to follow-up with you or the person of concern.

Please contact Public Safety immediately if you have concern for your safety or the safety of our community members!

Reporting Resources

Confidential Resources

These reporting options will maintain confidentiality unless required by law to break confidentiality. Any parties involved in a complaint may speak with:

  • Counseling Services: (740) 368-3145 (or 3145 from a campus phone)
  • Office of the Chaplain: (740) 368-3083 (or 3083 from a campus phone)
  • Student Health Services: (740) 368-3160 (or 3160 from a campus phone)

Risk of Harm to Self or Others

Mental health professionals are required to disclose information where there is an imminent threat of the person harming themselves or others.

Non-confidential Resources

These reporting options will maintain privacy for reporters, but may be obligated to respond based on the nature of the report. This will be discussed with the reporter before any any action is taken:

Dean of Students Office: (740) 368-3135, deansoffice@owu.edu 

Faculty and staff should report information as their responsible employee or Campus Security Authority status requires.

  • Responsible employee: any employee, without have confidential status, that receives information about sexual misconduct (i.e.: sexual harassment, sexual assault, stalking, intimate partner violence).
  • Campus Security Authority: Any individuals who have responsibility for campus security but are not members of the Public Safety Department (e.g., an individual who is responsible for monitoring the entrance into institutional property, such as a security guard). OR Employees with significant responsibility for student and campus activities. Some examples of CSAs in this category include, but are not limited to: academic deans; academic advisors; staff from the Student Engagement and Success; athletic administrators, including directors, assistant directors and coaches; faculty and staff advisors to student organizations.

University Mandatory Reporting Obligations

The following policies discuss the mandates the University is obligated to follow for reporting disclosures to local law enforcement. Individuals should take note of these reporting requirements before they disclose information to a University official to ensure that they are able to maintain control of where information is shared.

Mandatory Reporting of Child Abuse

All Ohio Wesleyan University employees, including confidential resources, are required to immediately report any knowledge or reasonable suspicion that a minor (someone under 18 years old or under the age of 21 with a developmental disability or physical impairment) is experiencing abuse or neglect based on information shared by the minor, any other individual, or one's own observations or knowledge.

Any employee suspecting abuse or neglect is required to bring all suspicions to the immediate attention of the Title IX Coordinator and/or a Deputy Title IX Coordinator.

OWU community members who are not employees are strongly encouraged to report any knowledge or reasonable suspicion of child abuse to the Title IX Coordinator and/or a Deputy Title IX Coordinator and/or law enforcement.

Ohio Felony Reporting Requirement

Under Ohio law, most individuals must report felonies, including sexual violence. This legal requirement means that the Title IX Coordinator, Student Integrity and Community Standards staff members, and/or Public Safety staff members must report knowledge of any felony to the Delaware Police Department.

When the University makes a report to law enforcement under this section, the University will communicate with the Complainant what information is being/has been reported to law enforcement. To the extent reasonably possible, the University will communicate with the Complainant in advance of any report to law enforcement. The Complainant may choose whether and how to participate in any subsequent criminal investigation if one occurs.

In some cases, the University is able to report the complaint anonymously to local law enforcement. The Complainant has a right to request this, but may identify themselves at any time to law enforcement.

Ohio Medical Professional Reporting Requirements

In Ohio, medical professionals have distinct legally mandated reporting responsibilities. Where a medical professional knows or has reasonable cause to believe that serious physical harm resulted from an offense of violence, the medical professional is required to make a report to law enforcement. Medical professionals must deem a patient medically stable before reporting and must communicate to the patient that the patient does not have to report and/or speak to the police.

If the patient chooses not to speak to police at the time of the medical examination, the medical professional does not need to report the patient's name - only the date, general time, and general location of the experience.

Clery Act Reporting

All higher education institutions that receive federal funding, including the University, are obligated to issue publicly an Annual Security Report (“ASR”) which identifies the number of federally specified crimes on University property, in University programs, or adjacent to campus.

The ASR does not include identifying information about the persons involved in such incidents. The report provides anonymous statistical information for certain offenses that have been reported at campus locations.

Timely Warnings

A “timely warning” is a campus-wide notification to alert the campus community of a serious or continuing threat on campus. A timely warning issued in response to a report of sexual harassment does not include identifying information about the Complainant. However, it may include identifying information about a Respondent, if appropriate.

Your Information

We would appreciate knowing who you are, but anonymity is permitted. Remember, anonymous reports may have a limited response.

Email address must be of a valid format.
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If this is an ongoing concern then please select today's date.
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Please be as specific as possible.

Involved Parties

Involved party 1


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If you are reporting a concern about a person, have you talked to them about your concerns?(Required)
This field is required.
This field is required.
If you are reporting a concern about a person, do they know that you are submitting this report?(Required)
This field is required.

Supporting Documentation

Photos, video, email, and other supporting documents may be attached below. 5GB maximum total size.
Attachments require time to upload, so please be patient after submitting this form.
