• Board 1: Traffic Modeling: A Computational Model For Traffic Jams
    Student Scientist: Hassan Mushtaq '24
    Research Mentor: Hanliang Guo (OWU Department of Mathematics & Computer Science)
  • Board 2: Uncovering New Members of the Plant Gravity Signaling Pathway
    Student Scientists: Phoenix Ball '24, Chandler Carr '24, Madison Coleman '24, Chloe Sullivan '24, Jasmyn Zimmerman '25
    Research Mentor: Chris Wolverton (OWU Department of Biological Sciences)
  • Board 3: The Role of Stigma and Religion/Spirituality in Predicting Parenting Desires and Intentions Among LGBTQ+ Adults
    Student Scientist: Ginny Faeth '24
    Research Mentor: Krystal Cashen (OWU Department of Psychology)
  • Board 4: Male Mating Preferences for Familiar and Unfamiliar Females in the Sailfin Molly Fish, Poecilia latipinna
    Student Scientist: Lan Do '24
    Research Mentor: Shala Hankison (OWU Department of Biological Sciences)
  • Board 5: Imaging the Stellar Surface of LO Pegasi Using Light-Curve Inversion
    Student Scientists: Nick Church '24 and Malcolm Henderson '24
    Research Mentor: Robert Harmon (OWU Department of Physics & Astronomy)
  • Board 6: Identification and Characterization of New Nematodes
    Student Scientist: Aubrey Gerhardt '24
    Research Mentor: Danielle Hamill (OWU Department of Biological Sciences)
  • Board 7: Knocking Out MSBP1 Gene in Wild Type Plants to See How It Affects Auxin Transport in Seedlings
    Student Scientist: Maddie Coleman '24
    Research Mentor: Chris Wolverton (OWU Department of Biological Sciences)
  • Board 8: "Come on Baby, Do the Locomotion": The Differences Between Male and Female Running Strategies in the Common Wall Lizard
    Student Scientist: Alyssa Head '24 (co-authors: Logan Fraire '24, Emma Foster '26, Maya Moore '24, and Emily Virgin)
    Research Mentor: Eric Gangloff (OWU Department of Biological Sciences)
  • Board 9: What Factors Affect Thermoregulatory Decisions in Wall Lizards?
    Student Scientist: Logan Fraire '24 (co-authors: Sierra Spears '22, Alyssa Head '24, Maya Moore '24, and Emma Foster '26)
    Research Mentor: Eric Gangloff (OWU Department of Biological Sciences)
  • Board 10: Specialized Sentiment Dictionaries for Human Rights Texts
    Student Scientist: Gabrielle Magid '24
    Research Mentor: Nick Dietrich (OWU Department of Mathematics & Computer Sciences)
  • Board 11: Investigating Thermal Convection in an Enclosed Porous Medium
    Student Scientists: Ronald Netawat '25
    Research Mentor: Matthew McCurdy (OWU Department of Mathematics & Computer Science)
  • Board 12: Are You Game? Examining the Effects of Video Games on Cognition
    Student Scientists: Audrey Propp '25 and Matt Rease '24
    Research Mentor: Kira Bailey (OWU Department of Psychology, OWU Neuroscience Program)
  • Board 13: Utilizing 2',7'-Dichlorodihydrofluorescein as an Agent to Predict Abnormalities in Gravity Response
    Student Scientist: Chloe Sullivan '24
    Research Mentor: Chris Wolverton (OWU Department of Biological Sciences)
  • Board 14: Determining the Effects of Early Adolescent Stress on Psychiatric-Related Behaviors of C57BL/6J Adult Mice
    Student Scientists: Claire Hammond '26 and Kayla Saikaly '25
    Research Mentor: Chelsea Vadnie (OWU Department of Psychology, OWU Neuroscience Program)
  • Board 15: Effects of Lead on Performance Measures in the Common Wall Lizard
    Student Scientist: Maya Moore '24, Emma Foster '26 (co-authors: Ali Amer '23, Logan Fraire '24, Alyssa Head '24, Annelise Blanchette, and Alex Gunderson)
    Research Mentor: Eric J. Gangloff (OWU Department of Biological Sciences)
  • Board 16: Using Multispectral Remote Sensing for High-Resolution Environmental Mapping in Coastal Costa Rica
    Student Scientist: Ben Buroker '24
    Research Mentor: Nathan Rowley (OWU Department of Environment & Sustainability)
  • Board 17: Assembling the Tropical Tree Genus Xylopia: Analysis of Nuclear Dna Sequences to Determine Evolutionary History
    Student Scientist: Keegan Floyd '26
    Research Mentor: David Johnson (OWU Department of Biological Sciences)
  • Board 18: Salinization Effects on Freshwater Zooplankton Communities
    Student Scientists: Josephine Stark '25 and Brandon Edwards '24
    Research Mentor: Amy Downing (OWU Department of Biological Sciences)
  • Board 19: Discovering Relationships Between Gravity-Regulated Genes Through Co-expression Analysis
    Student Scientist: Chandler Carr '24
    Research Mentor: Chris Wolverton (OWU Department of Biological Sciences)
  • Board 20: Impact of Legislative Context on Family Formation Decision Making Among LGBTQ+ Individuals
    Student Scientist: Elisabeth Madore '25
    Research Mentor: Krystal Cashen (OWU Department of Psychology)
  • Board 21: Enzymatic Activity & Detection of Nitrifying Microorganisms in Purple Pitcher Plants on Beaver Island, Michigan
    Student Scientist: Jack Gensler '26
    Research Mentors: Peter Kourtev (Department of Biology at Central Michigan University)
  • Board 22: Auditory-Driven Activity in Cell Type-Specific Populations of Mouse Posterior Parietal Cortex
    Student Scientist: Annie Marazita '24
    Research Mentors: Chengcheng Huang (Department of Mathematics, Department of Neuroscience at the University of Pittsburgh)
  • Board 23: Antibiotic Properties of Environmental Bacilli and Actinomycetes
    Student Scientist: Spencer Yates '24
    Research Mentors: Kou-San Ju (The Ohio State University Department of Microbiology)
  • Board 24: Executive Functioning Skill Differences in Homeless Youth Based on Acquired Brain Injury Status
    Student Scientists: Katie Chittum '24
    Research Mentors: Jennifer Lundine (Department of Speech & Hearing Science, The Ohio State University)
  • Board 25: The Confines of Human Consciousness and Integration of AI
    Student Scientist: Natalie Ryan '26
    Research Mentor: Kevin Schmidt (Air Force Research Laboratory)
  • Board 26: Bridging Software for Accurate Chemical Compliance
    Student Scientist: Nicholas Mankowski '25
    Research Mentor: Steven Davies (3E Company)
  • Board 27: Prolonged Heart Preservation: Assessment of Cardiac Function With Intermittent Left Atrial Perfusion
    Student Scientist: Spencer Amacher '25
    Research Mentors: Alvaro Rojas-Pena and Robert H Bartlett (ECLS Laboratory, Department of Surgery, University of Michigan)
  • Board 28: Assessing the Vulnerability of Coastal Aquifers to Saltwater Intrusion in Arrowsic, ME
    Student Scientist: Aninditha Nair '26
    Research Mentor: Melissa Allen-Dumas (Oak Ridge National Laboratory Department of Project)
  • Board 29: GPU Acceleration of Machine Learning Inference at the Large Hadron Collider CMS Experiment
    Student Scientist: Hannah Green '24
    Research Mentors: Dmitry Kondratyev and Mia Liu (Department of Physics and Astronomy, Purdue University)
  • Board 30: RFID Control and Management Manipulator
    Student Scientist: Shlok Mundhra '26
    Internship: Corporate IT Intern (Worthington Industries)
  • Board 31: Moderate Ethanol Exposure Enhances Hippocampus Neuronal Activity in a Mouse Model of Alzheimer's Disease
    Student Scientist: Kaitlynn Quinn '24
    Research Mentor: Doo- Sup Choi (Mayo Clinic Department of Molecular Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics)
  • Board 32: Contact Resistance of Metals With Tungsten Diselenide
    Student Scientist: Niladri Deb '25
    Research Mentors: Matthew Swann and Roland Kawakami (Department of Physics, The Ohio State University)
  • Board 33: Internships at the Columbus Zoo and Ohio Wildlife Center
    Student Scientist: Lily Hambric '24
    Internships: Columbus Zoo and Ohio Wildlife Center
  • Board 34: Fighting Aquatic Invasive Plants
    Student Scientist: Hannah Cox '24
    Research Mentor: John Krygier (OWU Department of Environment & Sustainability)
  • Board 35: Enhancing Digital Experience and Efficiency at Open Gov Hub and Data-Driven Decision-Making and Outreach at Cialfo
    Student Scientist: Dhruv Sekhawat '26
    Supervisors: Anthony Rodriguez (Open Gov Hub) and Audrey Duhaime (Cialfo)
  • Board 36: Historical Redlining and Present-Day Health Outcomes in Ohio
    Student Scientist: Gia Hailu '24
    Research Mentor: Jeffrey J. Wing (College of Public Health, The Ohio State University)
  • Board 37: Summer at the Ohio State University's Stone Laboratory
    Student Scientist: Sophia Holupka '24
    Research Mentor: Kevin Hart (Stone Laboratory, The Ohio State University)
  • Board 38: Internship at the Ohio State University Museum of Biological Diversity
    Student Scientist: Chase Ellis '26
    Supervisor: Marc Kibbey (The Ohio State University Museum of Biological Diversity, Fish Division)
  • Board 39: The Role of RPS26-Deficient Ribosomes in Sugar Metabolism
    Student Scientist: Mindi Klaus '25
    Research Mentor: Katrin Karbstein (Department of Integrative Structural and Computational Biology, The Herbert Wertheim University of Florida Scripps Institute for Biomedical Research Innovation and Technology)
  • Board 40: Assessing Differences in Aliger gigas Populations Inside and Outside of the East Harbor Conch and Lobster Reserve
    Student Scientists: Grace Luxon '26 and Myrhissa Ortega (St. Edwards University)
    Research Mentor: Kassie Dudek (The School for Field Studies, Center for Marine Resource Studies)
  • Board 41: Acute Febrile Illness Surveillance for the Epidemiological Investigation of Dengue Viral Infections
    Student Scientist: Nandini Arora '24
    Research Mentor: Kristy Murray (Department of Human Immunobiology at Texas Children's Hospital)