At Ohio Wesleyan, you're part of a class of students with a broad range of backgrounds and worldviews. With Perspectives, our goal is to help you learn to approach every interaction with curiosity, compassion, and understanding.

How to Complete Perspectives Training

Click on this Perspectives link -- and then click the blue "Sign in with your Ohio Wesleyan University Account" link before you enter your OWU email and password information. (Don't fill in your information without clicking the blue link.)

Perspectives includes interactive online lessons that can be completed asynchronously at your own pace. The program is broken into two levels: The Beginner Level takes approximately one hour to complete and is available to all students now using this link.

The Advanced Level takes about two hours to complete and will be available starting Sept. 26, 2024. 

Dialogue in Practice Sessions

At the fall Connection Conference, also on Sept. 26, 2024, you will have the opportunity to put your new skills in constructive dialogue into practice at Dialogue in Practice sessions.

These structured peer-to-peer conversations will provide a great opportunity to get to know fellow Bishops and practice the skills you learn online.

Student Training FAQs

How long will Perspectives take?

The Beginner Level (Lessons 1-2) will take approximately one hour to complete. The Advanced Level  (Lessons 3-6) will take approximately two hours. You must successfully complete both levels to earn your badge.

How do I log into Perspectives? Do I have to create an account?

You won't need to create an account, but you must use this Perspectives link and then click the blue "Sign in with your Ohio Wesleyan University Account" link before you enter your OWU email and password information. 

I'm having trouble accessing Perspectives!

The Beginner Level opens on Sept. 10, 2024, at this link. The Advanced Level opens on Sept. 26, 2024. You will receive an error message if you try to access a level before it is released. (Or if you aren't using your OWU email address.) If you believe you should have access and still can't get into the program, email and we will try to figure out what is happening.

I can't get Perspectives to work.

If you are having technical difficulties within Perspectives -- for instance, if a video isn't working or you're having trouble with one of the quizzes -- use the Help widget on the bottom of the Perspectives website to reach out directly to CDI. 

I have completed the Beginner Level. Can I move on to Advanced?

The Advanced Level will be released to students on Sept. 26, 2024.

What do I get for completing the Beginner and Advanced Levels?

When you successfully complete both levels of training, you will earn a badge or certificate that you can use to include your training in constructive dialogue on your resume and LinkedIn bio. You'll also be eligible for swag and prizes!

What is a Dialogue in Practice session?

At the Connection Conference, you will have the opportunity to put your skills in constructive dialogue into practice. These sessions will put you into small groups and focus on building your listening skills. You'll be asked to share stories and talk about some of your experiences.

My professor asked me to complete Perspectives for a class. How can I show that I've done it?

Take a screenshot of the email you received when you completed the assigned level or forward the email to your professor.

I completed Perspectives as part of the OWU Passport. How can I get credit?

Log your completion using the OWU Passport link. Take a screenshot of your email confirmation.

Help! I never received my confirmation email for finishing the Beginner Level.

Confirmation emails are not immediate. Give it a bit of time and check back if you haven't received your confirmation in a few days.