Kristina Bogdanov, Fine Arts
i³ Lecture: Are We Clay?
"Clay is teaching me to be a better human."
i³ Lecture: Are We Clay?
"Clay is teaching me to be a better human."
i³ Lecture: Authentic Pot Pie Has No Crust
"That feeling we get when we have an 'authentic' meal is hard to beat, but the concept of authenticity in food is elusive, and loaded with paradox, angst, and social ramifications."
i³ Lecture: How to Fight the Power
"Protest leaders, such as Gandhi, have long emphasized the importance of protest tactics. I will lay out a few basic ideas about the tactical choices in protest and what works."
i³ Lecture: Music and Community: LA Street Symphony, Marchin' in Step with the Other LA's Street Music Heritage
"The conservatory's community outreach challenge in the 21st century: what we can learn from New Orleans."
i³ Lecture: From the Mexican Village to the American Heartland: New Destinations for Mexican Migrants
"In recent years we've seen an increase in Mexican migration to the American Heartland. What are the reasons for this, and what is the impact on the migrants and the native-born population?"
i³ Lecture: The Personalities of Volcanoes
"Why do some volcanoes have an effusive personality while others are downright explosive?"
i³ Lecture: Chuck Norris in Algeria
"At a UNESCO World Heritage site in Algeria, just north of the Sahara Desert, an Algerian businessman tells a Chuck Norris joke to an American professor of French, in English. What can this tell us about globalization and the spread of culture?"
i³ Lecture: On the Origin and Evolution of Genitalia
"Prepare yourself for a shocking tale of spoons, spines, and teeth!"