April 8, 2024: Benjamin F. Marsh Lecture Series on Public Affairs – Virginia Gewin, Ph.D.

The B.F. Marsh Lecture on Public Affairs presents:
Breathing Clean Air: An Environmental Success Turned Environmental Justice Story
Speaker: Virginia Gewin - Freelance Independent Science Journalist

Virgina Gewin is an independent science journalist based in Portland, Oregon. With fellowships from the MIT Knight Science Journalism program, Alicia Patterson Foundation, and Nova Institute for Health, she writes about climate change and environmental management.

Currently, Gewin is serving as the 2023-2024 Nova Media Fellow, where she is exploring "Tainted Air: Unearthing the public health impacts of novel fine particulate matter sources and tracking emerging pollutants." Gewin's articles have appeared in Nature, Science, Bloomberg, The Atlantic, Washington Post, Discover, Popular Science, and many others.

Apr. 8, 2024 at 7 p.m.
Location: Hamilton-Williams Campus Center Benes Rooms
Videography by Jeff Hildack

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